

Visit the International Office and #OpenYourWorld with opportunities for academic exchange, internships, and international practices, and much more.

UWiener Community
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International community
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Are you ready to live an international experience at UWiener?

Choose the option that best describes you:

UWiener Community
International Students

Application Process

Choose the university and the modality (face-to-face, blended and online)

Choose the courses to study based on the academic offer of the host university.

Complete the required documents and apply according to the modality of the host university

Complete and sign the Academic Agreement with the Direction of your Faculty

Finally, complete the application process based on the university requirements

Start your semester abroad!

International Experience

Outgoing Students

Taking this international trip to the Bernando O'Higgins University in Chile has helped me a lot, not only academically but professionally.

Vicky Basilio

Industrial Engineering and Business Management
This experience of traveling and living for 6 months in Chile, knowing the culture and adapting. It had a big impact on my professional, academic and personal growth

Edson Beteta

Industrial Engineering and Business Management
I invite students and teachers to do an internship in Mexico, since it represent an opportunity to share and learn from new knowledge and experiences

Dr. Cesar Bonilla

Industrial Engineering and Business Management
Taking this international trip to the Bernando O'Higgins University in Chile has helped me a lot, not only academically but professionally.

Vicky Basilio

Industrial Engineering and Business Management
This experience of traveling and living for 6 months in Chile, knowing the culture and adapting. It had a big impact on my professional, academic and personal growth

Edson Beteta

Industrial Engineering and Business Management
I invite students and teachers to do an internship in Mexico, since it represent an opportunity to share and learn from new knowledge and experiences

Dr. Cesar Bonilla

Industrial Engineering and Business Management

International Agreements

Write to us at
Information: (+51) 924958689
Jr. Larrabure and Unanue 110, Lima - Perú
Jr. Larrabure and Unanue 110, Lima - Perú
©Universidad Norbert Wiener los derechos reservados
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